Morphvox Junior 2.7
MorphVOX Junior is a voice changing tool for adding fun to online chat. Change your voice to enhance your online gaming experience or to disguise your age, gender, or identity. MorphVOX Junior is perfect for online games and is also is great for prank calling friends via instant messaging and VoIP. Make your friends laugh. Send out screeches and drum rolls with a push of a key, mouse, or joystick button.
Ever wanted to change the tone of your voice? MorphVOX Junior is a free voice changer software that is supposed to modify your voice to match your personality. If you so like, you can sound like a man, a woman, a midget, a robot and many other bizarre variations in between.
The program is optimized for online games, but obviously, the most fun you'll have with this is to make prank calls and wind-up your friends. The program can also send out some rather annoying high pitch screams and bizarrely, drum rolls.
This is great fun although there's not really much point to it. Perhaps if they had integrated it with a music making program or other editing software, it would have been much more useful. Still, you can save your voice modulations and then use the file in an external program.